Wednesday 2 February 2011

Zines Research Part 2---Mike Perry

Mike Perry is a graphic designer/ typographer/ illustrator who has quite a unique style... I think its brilliant. I have a thing for people who's designs aren't necessarily classed as the norm but end up creating there own style, and it may not be to everyones taste but they keep goin with that style, because they enjoy doing it, people like Jon Burgerman and mike perry fit this perfectly.

Mike Perry has a near constant flow of zines, there seems to be no reoccurring theme other than his illustrations, I couldn't find a proper title but it seems to be something he does regularly.  The illustrations which make them up I find great, the hand drawn style and qwerkyness of each drawing just makes it feel personal to you rather than something with over 2000 editions thats just several prints.
They aren't technically your average zine, each page explodes with colour as opposed to the xerox-ed feel of more traditional zines, but the colour works well with the content. They are also not quite so low budget in zine tradition, one copy of this will set you back a tidy $12, personally I would pay that cos I am growing rather fond of the guy's work.

This video is basically his explanation of his design process, the exact mindset that I admire in designers and like to hope I think the same way as.

There is a one off speciality zine which I have to mention, a lot of it is blown up work from past zines but still very impressive considering the size. He created this GIANT zine for an exhibition in Portland, all I wanna know is how the he managed to bind the bastard!

Check him out, really unique style that I love.
Mike Perry.....DONE
Next on my zine research-Murder can be Fun

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