Saturday 5 February 2011

YCN-Visiting Lecture

So on wednesday I went to my first guest lecture, a visit from YCN. I've heard about YCN briefly before and about the awards they give so I thought the lecture was gonna be fairly straightforward, explanation of this years award briefs, which it was.

What I didn't know was that they also have an in-house design firm which is responsible for ads as big as the Becks Art Label campaign, it really brings it home when you meet the firm of a design that you recognise.

 I have seen the labels before and thought to myself I wonder whose concept that was....

They also produce a quarterly magazine called Idea's illustrated, basically they give the one idea to a group of illustrators and gather quotes from designers around this idea or word and they then put the 2 together in a print publication, this quater its the Happy issue.

 I've just Purchased it......couldn't resist.

I never realised that often as part of winning one of the briefs you end up working with the company and creating a final, real design that gets put to the market, your almost always payed for your time too, these briefs seem well worth getting involved in even if its just to beef up your CV.

There was also a small talk stapled to the end of the YCN one by the guys from design studio PROPAGANDA- the guys who made GHD's corporate image, Propaganda have a strange concept for there business, they don't just design they try to break down and rework the entire company, its actually a really cool way of looking at how to re brand.

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