Monday 20 December 2010


So today my new book arrived, Threadless, ten years of t-shirt design. It is A Beauty!

So its full of great design from the past 10 years by the company threadless, contains their history and some of the designers they have working among them.

These are some of my favourite pages within the book, one of the best tenners i have ever spent i think, such a beautiful book.

Sunday 19 December 2010

First Blog

Ok so I finally made a blog after much pestering from tash and sunjay, not really sure what I should really talk about in this so it maybe a bit disjointed so bare with it.

So Semester A is over and done with and my god has it been a weird one, lets start with the work i guess. So its pretty intense, always a deadline to work to, and a pretty heavy work load to fill. First 2 projects we were given were 1)Motor badges, in which we had to create a Vehicle name badge based on 3 characteristics, i got minimal, aggresive and powerful, these are what i came up with.
Second project was a film poster design, we had to basically write the plot, choose characters and actors and then design a poster to support it. My story was based on the event of all internet and other forms of communication collapse instantaneously, I chose to tackle it from the point of a teaser poster so tried not to give to much away, but instill that curiousity within the mind.
So that was the first lot of work, didnt do to badly i reckon.

Next series of work began immediately after, i didnt want a rest, so just carried on, all you can do.

The next projects were A magazine spread design, 3 dps's to be exact, it began with us having to create a typology oftype in an urban environment, we were then given the type to fill the article so the pictures maybe dont fit perfectly, i chose to do mine on home owned buisness's and tried to make them look very homely and 'ye olde england'.

So thats that project, the only other thing i think we have had to do was an animation and right now i really cannot be bothered to go into that.

Other than the work uni is amazing, its a just one big party really, i've made some amazing friends and met some fantastic designers, hopefully i'll manage to keep them.

By the way, the blog hopefully wont always be this disconjointed, just cos its the first one i am trying to cram it all in. x